Hey All,
Here are the next pictures in the series of my siblings. This post is about my older sister, Katherine Dee. She is almost 20 and is the best big sister ever. (She's my only big sister but still...) We are only about 18 months apart. I do not claim to have a perfect relationship with her. We argue alot to my shame. But I love her dearly and would die for her. I would also defend her and have in a heartbeat. My mom always says that us four siblings are so different, we could have been from different planets. (This picture is of us about a year ago. I went to a Ball with 2 of my friends and Katy did our hair and make up. She did a wonderful job!) We used to play imaginary games together alot as little girls. We loved playing Barbie games and doll house games. One imaginary game I remember playing is we hid in her closet and pretended we were hiding from some bad guys. We each took turns shining a flash light at each other and pretending it was the bad people searching for us. Gotta love imaginations! Did I mention we have never had tv? That might play a part :) Katy and I have had oh so many arguments and some rather serious disagreements but we still love each other. I don't try as hard as I should to enter into her life and interests but I want to change that. Katy is very emotional and tends to cry over things that I don't. I am very insensitive and have the attitude of "Get a grip and GET OVER IT!!!" Not the best to have I know. Again, it's a process every day to love unconditionally. Not just Katy, but all of my family. I am so rude and insensitive to them every day. God, help me to show my love to them. (This is Katy and me at a state park near our home. We love going there and have taken many pictures in front of the falls. Katy got eye surgery this January so now she doesn't wear glasses and looks different. Many people ask if we're twins now which is funny.) Ok, there's my gorgeous sister Katy. I truly can say that she is a girl who seeks to follow the Lord wholeheartedly. If you haven't read her blog, there's a link to it on my page.
Thank you all for listening. I have news but it must wait for anther post because I'm tired and it's late here. Dios te bendiga mucho gentes. Cuidate.
What Worked And What Didn't
January is a time for evaluating and tweaking. I’m not so much for making
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