Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Back so Soon?

Wow, I am totally in awe of how our God works. When I left Chiapas this summer I didn't know if I'd ever be back. Well, I'm going back this March with my friend Bethany to visit some amigos who live there.

This trip kinda fell into my lap. Someone offered to pay for over half my plane ticket. Then my dad gave his blessing for me to go. And when I asked time off of work, it was no problem getting people to work for me. Again, wow.... So here begins a new adventure for me and Bethany. Are we up for the challenge? I think so :)

Just another amazing scene. Breathtaking for sure!

1 comment:

  1. I AM SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED FOR YOU and how awesome that half of your ticket is paid!!! :) God is so amazing! :)
